Why It Is A Big Plus In Your Gate Preparation Solving Previous Years Questions

The Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) is a national-level examination conducted in India to test the comprehensive understanding of various undergraduate subjects in engineering, technology, and science. 

GATE is organised jointly by the Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore, and the seven Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) at Bombay, Delhi, Guwahati, Kanpur, Kharagpur, Madras, and Roorkee.

Check: GATE 2024

GATE scores are used by many prestigious institutes in India and abroad to access postgraduate programs in engineering, technology, and science. 

GATE scores are also used for recruitment by many Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs). GATE-qualified candidates are eligible for various scholarships and fellowships for further studies. 

GATE scores are considered for eligibility for the MHRD scholarship, awarded to GATE-qualified candidates for pursuing higher education.

GATE is one of the most prestigious exams in India, and qualifying for it can enhance the recognition and prestige of a candidate.

What Are The Plus Points Of Solving Previous Year Questions For Gate Exams?

Solving previous year's questions is an essential aspect of GATE exam preparation. 

It can help candidates understand the exam pattern, identify important topics, improve time management skills, boost confidence, and improve speed and accuracy in answering questions. 

In this way, solving the previous year's questions can significantly improve a candidate's chances of success in the GATE exam.

Check: GATE syllabus

Solving previous year's questions for the GATE exam can be very beneficial for the following reasons:

  1. Understanding Exam Pattern

Solving previous year's questions can give an insight into the exam pattern, question type, and difficulty level of the GATE exam. This can help the candidate prepare better and develop a strategy for the exam.

  1. Identifying Important Topics

By solving previous year's questions, candidates can identify important topics and subjects frequently asked in the GATE exam. This can help them prioritise their preparation and focus on the essential areas.

  1. Time Management

Practising the previous year's questions can help candidates improve their time management skills by familiarising themselves with the exam's time constraints. This can help them allocate their time more efficiently during the actual exam.

  1. Boosting Confidence

Solving previous year's questions can help build confidence in candidates by giving them a better understanding of the type of questions that will appear in the exam. This can also help them reduce exam stress and anxiety.

Check: GATE CSE Syllabus

  1. Improving Speed and Accuracy

By solving previous year's questions, candidates can improve their speed and accuracy in answering questions. This can help them maximise their score and improve their chances of qualifying for the GATE exam.

How To Use Previous Year Question Paper As A Mode Of Preparation For Gate 2024?

Preparing for GATE 2024 can be challenging, but using the previous year's question papers as a mode of preparation can be very effective. 

It can help candidates understand the exam pattern, identify important topics, develop time management skills, and simulate the natural exam environment. 

In this way, the previous year's question papers can significantly improve a candidate's chances of success in the GATE 2024 exam.

Here are some tips on how to use the previous year's question papers as a mode of preparation for GATE 2024:

  1. Understand the Exam Pattern

Start by understanding the GATE exam pattern and structure. Analyse the previous year's question papers and note the types of questions, difficulty level, and marks distribution for each subject.

  1. Identify Important Topics

         Identify essential topics and subjects by analyzing the previous year's      

         question papers. Focus on issues frequently asked in the exam and     

         ensure you are thorough with them.

  1. Practice Regularly

Regular exercise of the previous year's question papers can help you to identify your strengths and weaknesses. Analyze your mistakes and try to improve on them.

  1. Develop Time Management Skills 

Practise the previous year's question papers under exam conditions to improve your time management skills. Learn to allocate time wisely, answer questions quickly, and move on to the next question.

  1. Simulate Real Exam Environment 

Create a simulated exam environment while solving the previous year's question papers. This can help reduce exam stress and anxiety and give you a feel for the exam.

  1. Keep Track of Progress and Revise Regularly

Keep track of your progress by analysing your performance in each previous year's question paper. This can help you to identify your areas of improvement and work on them. Also, revise the concepts and topics regularly. This can help you to retain the information better and improve your chances of success in the GATE exam.

In summary, using the previous year's question papers as a mode of preparation for GATE 2024 can be very effective if done correctly. Analyse the question papers, identify important topics, practice regularly, develop time management skills, simulate the natural exam environment, keep track of progress, and revise periodically.


In conclusion, solving the previous year's questions is essential to GATE exam preparation.

By understanding the exam pattern, identifying important topics, improving time management skills, boosting confidence, and improving speed and accuracy in answering questions, candidates can significantly improve their chances of success in the GATE exam.

Therefore, using the previous year's question papers as a mode of preparation for GATE 2024 can be highly beneficial and candidates should make the most of it to achieve their desired success.


  1. Is solving the previous year's question enough for GATE? 

There may need to be more than solving last year's questions for GATE. However, it is an essential aspect of GATE exam preparation that can significantly improve a candidate's chances of success.

  1. Are there any repeated questions in GATE? 

There may be some repeated questions in GATE, but they are rare. However, by solving previous year's questions, candidates can understand the exam pattern and identify frequently asked topics.

  1. Which IIT sets the toughest paper for GATE? 

It is difficult to determine which IIT sets the most challenging paper for GATE as the exam's difficulty level varies yearly. However, candidates can prepare by solving the previous year's questions and analysing the exam pattern.

  1. Is 700 a good rank in GATE? 

Ranking in GATE depends on various factors such as the number of candidates who appeared, the difficulty level of the exam, etc. However, a rank of 700 is considered a good one that can provide candidates with ample opportunities for admission and recruitment.

  1. Can I get an IIT with 60 marks in GATE? 

Gaining admission to IITs depends on various factors, such as the number of seats available, the difficulty level of the exam, etc. However, You may require more than a score of 60 in GATE to get admission to top IITs.

  1. Which branch of GATE paper is the toughest? 

The difficulty level of the GATE paper varies yearly, and it is difficult to determine which branch has the toughest paper. However, candidates can prepare by solving the previous year's questions and analysing the exam pattern.


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